Sealed Bid Opening Date and Time
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Project Manual (PDF)
Specifications (PDF)
Drawings (PDF)
Bid Envelope (PDF)
Addendum #1 (PDF) added 3/18/25
Engineer's Estimate: $615,000.00
Project Manager:
Bardell Mangum
There will be no pre-bid walk through for this project. Please review plans and specifications thoroughly. Call FWP for any questions or clarifications.
Bid Opening Date and Time
Project Manual (PDF)
General Provisions (PDF)
Technical Specifications (PDF)
Drawings (PDF)
Bid Envelope (PDF)
Addendum #1 (PDF) added 3/24/25
Project Manager:
Joseph Renenger
Sealed Bid Opening Date and Time
Project Manual (PDF) Revised 3/10/25
Specifications (PDF)
Drawings (PDF) Revised 3/10/25
Bid Envelope (PDF) Revised 3/10/25
Addendum #1 (PDF) Added 3/10/25
Addendum #2 (PDF) Added 3/24/25
Engineer's Estimate: $150,000.00
Project Manager:
Marty Binde
Sealed Bid Opening Date and Time
Project Manual (PDF)
Detailed Specifications (PDF)
Drawings (PDF)
Bid Envelope (PDF)
Project Manager:
Jacob Mangum
Sealed Bid Opening Date and Time
Project Manual (PDF)
Special Provisions (PDF)
Technical Specifications (PDF)
Drawings (PDF)
Bid Envelope (PDF)
Project Manager:
Jamie Mongoven