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Snowy Block Management Area in Region 5

Hunt > Access Block Management: Region 5

Region 5 BMA Maps

Program Details

In 2024, there are 105 Block Management Areas (BMAs) that provide access to approximately 505,602 acres of private, state, and federal lands. Like others, Region 5 (R5) has Type 1 and Type 2 BMAs, which give hunters flexibility in gaining permission. About half are Type 1 and half are Type 2 in R5. Regardless of permission type, please keep in mind that BMAs are comprised wholly or partially of private lands. As a hunter you have the privilege to access these lands and your behavior will play a significant role in the future of Montana’s hunting heritage. Good luck and be safe!


These areas offer opportunities to hunt whitetail and mule deer, antelope, elk, upland birds, and waterfowl.

How to use Region 5 BMP

Most Block Management Areas in our Region are open September 1 through January 1. About one-half of our BMAs are Type I, where hunters administer their own permission, and half are Type II, where someone other than the hunter administers permission.

Each BMA rules/map lists the method and steps for obtaining permission to hunt on that particular area.
Please abide by times for calling landowners, if listed. If times are not listed, please be considerate and call at reasonable hours. Landowners are not required to and may not return phone calls. While obtaining permission to hunt BMAs within R5, please keep the following Administrative Rules/policies in mind:

Use only current year BMA rules/maps. R5 produces new rules/maps each year to address rule, boundary, or permission method changes. Also, there is some turnover in BMAs from year to year so a previous BMA may no longer be enrolled.

Reservations may not be made before August 22 (abide by the date shown on the individual BMA
map/rules as it may be later than this). If a BMA takes reservations, a hunter may only have one reservation on that BMA at any one time. After the dates of the reservation pass, a hunter may make another reservation to hunt that BMA. Hunters may have reservations on more than one BMA as long as they are not for the same hunting dates.

Reservations can be up to three days but must be for consecutive days. Individuals from the same hunting party may not make reservations for consecutive three-day blocks in an attempt to book more than three days for their party. Hunters may hunt more than one BMA in a day but are prohibited from making reservations to hunt on more than one limited hunter BMA per day. If you make reservations on a BMA and are unable to hunt, please inform the landowner of this as soon as possible. Also inform them if you are successful early in your hunt and will not be hunting all the days you have permission for. Failure to do so may result in the loss of hunting privileges on that BMA for the remainder of the hunting season. Be courteous and give others an opportunity to hunt.


Other Region 5 Hunting Opportunities

About 7% of the land base in FWP Region 5 is enrolled in the Block Management Program. That leaves a great deal of land and associated hunting opportunities to explore. Hunters are encouraged to look at these opportunities and not limit their days afield only to BMAs.
• Private lands not enrolled in Block Management. Remember to ask for permission before hunting private lands and abide by landowners’ instructions.
• US Forest Service. Region 5 has portions of two National Forests (Custer Gallatin and Helena-Lewis &
Clark) within its boundaries. Nearly all these lands are open to public hunting.
• Bureau of Land Management. Most BLM lands are open to hunting and are scattered throughout Region 5.
The biggest blocks can be found in the northeast and southern portions of the Region.
• State School Trust (DNRC). DNRC lands (school sections) are scattered throughout our Region and usually in parcels of 640 acres or less. Hunting is allowed on most lands and is subject to DNRC rules. Hunters should read and be familiar with these rules before hunting.
• US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service. Hunting is allowed on some of these lands and is subject to the regulating Agency’s rules. Please contact them before hunting.

Public Access Land Agreement (PALA) and Unlocking Public Lands (UPL) opportunities include:
• Cottonwood Creek PALA, east of Silesia: 480 acres BLM, open July 1-June 30
• Sunset Colony PALA, northeast of Roundup: 1,280 acres DNRC, open October 1-March 31
• Maxwell 05-21-01 UPL, north of Melstone: 646 acres DNRC, open May 1-December 31
PALA and UPL maps available online at
FWP administers Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) throughout the region, each of which provides hunting
opportunities. WMAs in the region include:
• Big Lake WMA, west of Molt: 3,250 acres
• Grant Marsh WMA, north of Hardin: 530 acres
• Haymaker WMA, northwest of Harlowton: 1,325 acres
• Silver Run WMA, south of Red Lodge: 640 acres
• Yellowstone WMA, northeast of Worden: 4,600 acres WMA maps available online at
FWP also administers numerous Fishing Access Sites (FAS) and State Parks (SP) throughout the region that
provide hunting opportunities. These sites include:
• Cooney SP, west of Boyd: 300 acres, map and regulations available at
• Arapooish FAS, north of Hardin: 95 acres, open to shotgun for waterfowl and upland game birds only
• Beaver Lodge FAS, north of Red Lodge: 60 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Big Rock FAS, south of Big Timber: 70 acres, archery only
• Bighorn FAS, south of Hardin: 72 acres, open to shotgun for waterfowl and upland game birds only
• Bluewater Springs FAS, northeast of Bridger: 90 acres, register with hatchery personnel, no weapons
• Boulder Forks FAS, south of Big Timber: 73 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Bratten FAS, west of Reed Point: 93 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Bridger Bend FAS, south of Belfry: 12 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Broadview Pond FAS, Broadview: 53 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Buffalo Jump FAS, Nye: 6 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Buffalo Mirage FAS, west of Laurel: 16 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Bull Springs FAS, north of Red Lodge: 33 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Bundy Bridge FAS, west of Pompey’s Pillar: 4 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Captain Clark FAS, west of Custer: 148 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Castle Rock FAS, north of Nye: 80 acres, no weapons restrictions south of river, archery and/or shotgun only north of river
• Clarks Fork Yellowstone FAS, south of Bridger: 172 acres, archery only for big game, shotgun only for
waterfowl/upland game birds, firearms closure within 150 yards of Ridgeway Drive
• Cliff Swallow FAS, west of Absarokee: 160 acres, no weapons restrictions, safety zone in developed area
• Deadman’s Basin FAS, east of Shawmut: 101 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Duck Creek Bridge FAS, west of Billings: 27 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Fireman’s Point FAS, south of Columbus: 162 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• General Custer FAS, north of Hardin: 34 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Grant Marsh FAS, north of Hardin: 141 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Grey Bear FAS, west of Big Timber: 25 acres, archery and/or shotgun only, safety zone in developed area
• Gritty Stone FAS, north of Worden: 14 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Holmgren FAS, west of Columbus: 71 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Homestead Isle FAS, west of Laurel: 191 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Horsethief Station FAS, north of Red Lodge: 84 acres, no weapons restrictions, safety zone in developed area
• Mallard’s Landing FAS, south of Hardin: 43 acres, open to shotgun for waterfowl and upland game birds only
• Manuel Lisa FAS, east of Custer: 38 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Moraine FAS, north of Nye: 60 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Otter Creek FAS, Big Timber: 29 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Pelican FAS, Greycliff: 122 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Selkirk FAS, east of Martinsdale: 265 acres, no weapons restrictions
• Two Leggins FAS, south of Hardin: 30 acres, open to shotgun for waterfowl and upland game birds only
• Voyagers Rest FAS, north of Worden: 20 acres, archery and/or shotgun only
• Water Birch FAS, north of Red Lodge: 77 acres, no weapons restrictions, safety zone in developed area
• Whitebird FAS, south of Columbus: 23 acres, archery and/or shotgun only

Contact Us

Region 5 Block Management Program

2300 Lake Elmo Drive
Billings, MT 59105

(406) 247-2940


Block Mangement sign