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Wild Horse Island

About FWP > Commission Fish and Wildlife Commission Meeting: December 20, 2022

When: Tuesday, December 20 at 9 a.m.

Where: Virtually via Zoom

Recorded Meeting

Public Comment

The Commission will take public comment on agenda items via Zoom. If you wish to make a comment, you must register by 5 p.m. on December 19.

Approved Commercial Bait Seining Waters, 2023-24

Comments on the following item were accepted until Nov. 18, 2022, with final adoption at the February Dec. 20 commission meeting.

Adjustments to 2022 big game regulations for 2023 season

Comments on the following item were accepted until Nov. 18, 2022, with final adoption at the February Dec. 20 commission meeting.

City of Lewistown Urban Deer Management Plan

Comments on the following item were accepted until Nov. 18, 2022, with final adoption at the February Dec. 20 commission meeting.

Rock Creek (Paradise Valley) Water Right Lease

Comments on the following item were accepted until Nov. 18, 2022, with final adoption at the February Dec. 20 commission meeting.

Big Lake WMA addition

Comments on the following item were accepted until Nov. 18, 2022, with final adoption at the February Dec. 20 commission meeting.

Lake Five Rulemaking Petition

NOTE: This agenda item has been moved to the Feb. 22 commission meeting

Commercial Use Permit Fee Rule Renewal – Fishing Access Sites and Wildlife Management Areas

Results of Madison River Work Group Recommendation Scoping


The commission may take action on all matters specifically noticed on any agenda.

Extensive opportunity is provided for public comment on hunting, fishing and trapping regulations. As a matter of equity for citizens who cannot attend commission meetings, when making final decisions on these regulations, the commission will not open public comment unless a significant amendment to the tentative proposal is brought forth by the commission or department. Comments will be limited to the amendment only.  Time for comment may be limited at the Chair's discretion.

The department ensures its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities and if special accomodations are needed, please contact the Executive Office Manager in the Director's Office at 406-444-7826 or by cell at 406-594-8921.