The public comment period will be open from June 26 - July 26. Information on how to comment and commission adopted regulations proposal will be posted here shortly.
On June 30, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., a public meeting to discuss the proposal and collect comment was held via Zoom. Recording of the meeting can be found below.
Proposed wolf season options ranging from Limited New Tools to Maximum New Tools. The commission may treat these options discretely or mix and match tools across options or incorporate other tools/options. Unless specifically changed by commission adoption, season elements from the 2020 season are proposed and would remain unchanged.
A harvest of 450 wolves (approximately 100 more harvested wolves than in 2020 season) shall initiate a commission quorum with potential for rapid in-season adjustments to hunting and trapping regulations. Afterwards the commission shall be similarly re-engaged at intervals of additional 50 wolves harvested, if season adjustments allow for additional wolf harvest.
All non-target captures shall be reported to the department as currently required, to include captures from foothold traps and snares.
A non-target capture of one lynx or grizzly bear shall initiate a commission quorum with potential for rapid in-season adjustments to trapping regulations. Afterwards the commission shall be similarly re-engaged for any additional non-target capture of lynx or grizzly bear.
Expanded wolf trapping dates (including snares) be applied only in areas with low grizzly bear abundance and outside of Lynx Protection Zones (see description in furbearer regulation booklet). Areas with low grizzly bear abundance include Region 4 east of Interstate 15, Region 5 outside Lynx Protection Zone, Region 6, and Region 7.
Wolf snaring be allowed only on private land (with landowner permission) to minimize potential for conflicts with other users on public land.
Wolf snares include required equipment and setting requirements to minimize the potential for snaring and holding non-target species. Specifically:
Snares must be equipped with a loop stop that will close to a loop no smaller than 2.5 inches in diameter (stop placed at no less than 8 inches from end of loop).
Snares must have a breakaway device rated at 1,000 lbs. or less installed on the loop end,
Snares must be placed such that the bottom of the snare loop is at least 18 inches above the surface.
If snares are allowed on public lands, power-assisted (e.g., spring-loaded) snare locks are prohibited on wolf snares on public lands.
A relaxing snare lock is required on snares in lynx protection zones (LPZ’s).
Wolf and furbearer seasons continue to be set by the commission annually, to allow opportunity for season adjustments between consecutive seasons based upon review of harvest, population size, and conflicts.
Comments on the following proposed item will be accepted until Monday, July 26, 2021, at 5 p.m., with final adoption at the August 2021 commission meeting.
Coversheet (PDF)
2020 Wolf Regulations (PDF)
HB 224 (PDF)
HB 225 (PDF)
SB 314 (PDF)